
0LD & 0LS series part numbers obsolescence with replacements (LFPCN_PG0181)

This notice is to inform Littelfuse Sales Sales Support amp Customers of the obsolescence of 0LD amp 0LS series part numbers these products are replaced by new part numbers listed below in Annexure A.

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PCN # 249 Product / Process Change Notice

Devices affected:The CBRDFSH2-60 Schottky bridge rectifier manufactured in the BR DFN case.Extent of change:Change in wafer fab resulting in change in die size from 45 x 45 mils to 46 x 46 mils.Reason

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0700530.Z Obsolescence (LFPCN_PG0174)

This notice is to inform Littelfuse Sales Sales Support Customers of the obsolescence and no replacement of part number 0700530.Z which it s buy/resell. This change will be effective immediately Brand

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PCN # 252 Product / Process Change Notice

Devices affected:The CBRDFSH2-100 Schottky bridge rectifier manufactured in the BR DFN case.Extent of change:Change in wafer fab resulting in change in die size from 45 x 45 mils to 46 x 46 mils.Reason

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PCN # 250 Product / Process Change Notice

Devices affected:The CBRDFSH1-60 Schottky bridge rectifier manufactured in the BR DFN case.Extent of change:Change in wafer fab resulting in change in die size from 32 x 32 mils to 35 x 35 mils.Reason

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