
Product Termination Notification MLX81310KLQ-DMC-003-RE - MCM-19256

We regret to inform you that Melexis will stop the production of above-mentioned product due to low demand. To prepare a ramp-down scenario Melexis will still accept orders of above-mentioned product till

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2312061507 EFR32BG27 and EFR32MG27 Datasheet v1.1 Release Bulletin

Description of Change■Silicon Labs is pleased to announce the release of datasheet v1.1 for EFR32BG27 and EFR32MG27 devices.■Please refer to the datasheet revision history for a complete list of changes.

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FM520-FM5200 series PCN (20231124001)

■Change Part Identification: Datasheet revision change per below■Change Category: Method■Change Sub‐Category s : Datasheet/Product Doc change■Description and Purpose: The IFSM and VF limits set in the

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2312061488 End of Life for Select C8051F50x/51x/52x/53x/54x/55x/56x/57x Parts

Description of Change■Silicon Labs announces an End of Life EOL and Last Time Buy LTB for select C8051F50x/51x/52x/53x/54x/55x/56x/57x parts.■Existing customers may place LTB orders per the key dates above

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2312061495 Wafer Sales 4x1 inch labels standardization to 4x2.5 inch HU label Bulletin

Description of Change■Silicon Labs is pleased to announce the standardization of 4x1 inch wafer sales label into 4x2.5 inch Universal Handling Unit HU label for all wafer sales products. The new label

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